Octopunch's little crab legs sold for $150
(too old to reply)
2024-11-18 23:06:41 UTC
G1 Pretender Octopunch's inner robot turns into a little robot crab
but the crab legs are a set of detaching pieces. They are always lost
and recently an ebayer put up just the two crab leg pieces. I thought
maybe fifty or sixty bucks would be outrageous enough to win but of
course they went for a hundred bucks more than what I thought was


Ugh. I'm ranking this one up there with Skystalker's hook piece and
Roadbuster's gun scope as some of the most expensive tiny pieces of
plastic in TF collecting.
2024-11-19 22:47:50 UTC
Post by GoBackaTron
G1 Pretender Octopunch's inner robot turns into a little robot crab
but the crab legs are a set of detaching pieces. They are always lost
and recently an ebayer put up just the two crab leg pieces. I thought
maybe fifty or sixty bucks would be outrageous enough to win but of
course they went for a hundred bucks more than what I thought was
Wow, that's absolute crazy sauce. I was actually looking at Octopunch
auctions earlier in the month, and I don't think there was a single
complete toy on eBay. The closest they got was a toy that came with
one of those little crab leg pieces, but not the other.

Is there a left crab leg piece and a right crab leg piece? Or does he
just come with two identical crab leg pieces? And how many times am I
going to say "crab leg piece"?

Octopunch is going to be a really hard toy for me to put together
without spending tons of money, I'm thinking. He and Roadbuster and
Vroom are going to be, like, the triumverate of insanely expensive toys.
(Well, and Monstructor, but really he's like six different toys.)

I'm saving the most expensive ones for last and that's probably not a
great strategy. But, I keep telling myself that I'll feel better about
spending $200 or $300 on a single toy if it's, like, the last one I

Zob (selective reasoning is how I sleep at night... aw, who am I
kidding, I never get any sleep these days)
2024-11-20 13:29:06 UTC
Post by Zobovor
Wow, that's absolute crazy sauce. I was actually looking at Octopunch
auctions earlier in the month, and I don't think there was a single
complete toy on eBay.
There was a really good lot of Pretenders last week with Octopunch and
two of the beast shells. It was missing Octopunch's inner robot but it
had the claws and the guy only wanted 90 bucks for it:


Of course it sold within minutes of when it went up. So if you are
willing to forsake every minute of your waking life to stay on top of
ebay alerts then the deals are still out there. Man, all ebay seems to
do nowadays is make me feel like a loser who misses out on more than he
scores. I just can't keep up.
Post by Zobovor
Is there a left crab leg piece and a right crab leg piece?
Yeah, each half of legs is specifically molded to line up with the
contours of the different sides of the crab body. When I needed an
Octopunch to photograph for an ad recreation I was working on (
https://www.instagram.com/p/CtCWrHDJz8r/?img_index=1 ), I just gave up
on ever getting the crab legs and I colorized them digitally.
Post by Zobovor
Octopunch is going to be a really hard toy for me to put together
without spending tons of money, I'm thinking. He and Roadbuster and
Vroom are going to be, like, the triumverate of insanely expensive toys.
Roadbuster is super frustrating enough just trying to get all the
pieces, but the stickers are a nightmare just as bad. Just the sticker
sheet can cost as much as the complete figure. There are so many
stickers that it's impossible to find a loose figure that was correctly
stickered by some 10 year old back in '85.
Post by Zobovor
I'm saving the most expensive ones for last and that's probably not a
great strategy.
Yeah, that's a terrible strategy in the post covid world. The longer
you wait the more expensive Transformers get on the secondary market.
But maybe if you play the long game the bubble will burst and prices
will come back down. Maybe in another thirty years, after Hasbro stops
making TFs and we survive World War III and after that alien invasion
everyone's expecting then maybe the human population will have decreased
enough that TF prices will get reasonable again.
2024-11-21 18:33:33 UTC
Post by GoBackaTron
Yeah, that's a terrible strategy in the post covid world. The longer
you wait the more expensive Transformers get on the secondary market.
But maybe if you play the long game the bubble will burst and prices
will come back down. Maybe in another thirty years, after Hasbro stops
making TFs and we survive World War III and after that alien invasion
everyone's expecting then maybe the human population will have decreased
enough that TF prices will get reasonable again.
I'm betting that AI and 3D printing will advance to the point that we
can print our own replacements at home.

We're more likely to get WWIII and an alien invasion than reasonable
prices for TF again.
